Thursday, March 06, 2008

Silver Belle Peplum Help!!

I am on the row where it says to cast off next 100 sts and I have no idea what the next instruction meant. Please can some explain it to me what that whole section mean by P2tog over center 2 sts o each cable, work until 12 sts from last bind-off for center back, bind off next 100 sts, work to end for right front buttonhole band. I can't figure out what to do here. Please help.

Thank you


Lauren said...

I haven't gotten there yet, but here's what I _think_ it means.

Work the button band, cast off 100 stitches until you get to the middle cables, work across those 12 sts because they will run up the back, then bind off the rest until the button band and work the button band. If you look at the schematic you can see better which stitches to keep live.

I think when you bind off you're supposed to work p2tog in the center of each cable instead of knitting or purling as normal to BO. I was hoping someone who's actually finished and seamed could explain _why_ you do it, though.

Good luck!

Knitive said...

Thanks Lauren for responding. I finally just took the plunge and did what I thought the pattern is trying to say and you are right. I also agree with you "why" the P2tog at center of each cable I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Lauren is right in the instruction for keeping the button band and center back stitches live. You can slip these onto stitch holders as you work them on the bind off row.

As for the actual binding off, the P2tog is addressing the pearl stitches between the cables. As you bind off, the cabled stitches will be bound off in knit, P2tog the pearl stitches in between the cables , and continue to bind off. I think it just helps to keep the edge from elongating by decreasing these stitches. In mine, I did this as a decrease on row 52 just to narrow the peplum a bit.

I hope this makes sense to you and is helpful.

Stephanie F said...

Many thanks to all of you for your help! I was really scratching my head, ready to get out the graph paper to make sure the count would would work. Not sure why the button band turns into 13 stitches, though.